A takeaway about joy and its thieves

A character in a John Updike book says, “I loved life so much the thought of its ever ending canceled most of the joy I should have taken in it.” 

A few other thieves of joy: 

Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of mediocrity. 

Changing too fast, changing too slowly, not changing. 

Past mistakes, present distractions, future fears. 

Thinking that joy is more important than it is. 

Thinking about joy instead of enjoying it. 

Missing the difference between seeking joy, and being joyful. 

Forgetting how easy it is to feel it, not by getting it, but giving it. 


The thieves of joy don’t steal joy, they con us to grasp for what can’t be held. 

That’s the takeaway: Enjoy not chasing joy.

John Ullmen